We feel glad to introduce you Energi Nordic. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to all our employees, partners, clients and customers because we will not be where we are today without their support and attention.
Energi Nordic is an independent and privately owned Engineering and Procurement Company. Energy, Water & Environment, Oil & Gas and Transportation Infrastructures, we are capable to deliver A-Z services of E&P contracting in the noted industries. These are just some of the ways we share with our customers to help them execute challenging project with sustainable solutions.
In Energi Nordic, we shake hands with any kind of companies that developing countries and companion them in their way of creating prosperity for their nations, delivering premium quality E&P services in Energy and Infrastructure projects.
We are proud of working with talented people who want to make a real difference in the world in our company, our dedicated teams and our unique capabilities to help addressing complex challenges. We respect that our customers are counting on us to help them succeed and grow in sustainable ways and our growing international team is eager to exceed their expectations.[:sv]
Vår syn i Energi Nordic är att leverera högsta kvalitet projekt i energi och infrastruktur genom att engagera professionella, motiverade och flexibla team. Vi värdesätter vikten av våra kunders tillfredsställelse, lagarbete och innovation. Våra kunder räkna med vår integritet och ansvar och vi är tacksamma att vara stolta över att förse dem med vårt varierat utbud av tjänster.
Energi Nordic i ett tio år tidsram kommer att bli en av de 20 allmänna entreprenörer i energi och infrastruktur i Mellanöstern och Afrika. Och det är vår vision att vi har dragit för vårt företag.